Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pet History.

Abundance of animals. Various species. Go!

1. Cats. Nuff said. Fluffy, tiny, biggy, lazy, obnoxious...we have 'em all. Well, used to. Now there's 7-8 cats meowing non-stop for free food. Only 2 let me touch them. Stoopid cats.

2. Birds. There's this bird that seemed a little bit too depressed cause we just robbed its freedom. It started to peck the hell out of the iron bars, and its beak was bleeding. Finally, we released the 'emo' bird. It was the most humane thing to do. But now, there's a bird coop and 4 colourful birds at the back of the house. I don't really like caging birds. It's the symbol of freedom, after all.

3. Hamsters. Yes, it's cute, fluffy, and did I ever mention to you how FRAGILE IT IS??? We had LOADS of hamsters. I think I'm not exaggerating when I said we used to have about 30 of them. I used to like the ones when I was younger, they're all tame and cuddly, except for 2 of them, which we called HAMSTER GANAH. Caro nok gigit jah. Aku nok bui makanan pon, nok gigit2 jah. Grrrr. Of course, almost all of them died tragically. One was penyet-ted, others were kucing-ted, and other...sad...deaths. But I remember the latest hamsters that we bought last year. One died in the cage, the other my hand. It was so sad. I didn't kill it, I guess it died because of new environments...and stupid ants.

4. Fishies. Gold, exotic, bumpy foreheads (like my sister hehehe) we have them all. But I think the most expensive ones are the Flowerhorn species. They used to be the 'it' fish back then, other than the Kelisa. Man, they are sooo...weird. But they're not much of a hassle to deal with. The most number of fishes of a certain species that we had is of course...IKAN PEKOK ehh PEACOCK. Or guppies. Hmm, thousands, maybe? A span of 18 years la.

5. Small tortoises. Oh. My. God. I swear they were my favourites. I used to bring them to school senyap2. My friends would play them, like COME ON, they are sooo small! And cute. We had 2 first, to which one got lost during a flood back in 2004 and another just...evaporated. Then we had 2 more, to which...I don't know what happened to them. Seriously.

6. Chickens. Yeahh we used to have a chicken coop at the back of the house. Man, chickens are useless but delicious. Muahahaha.

7. Chameleons. Naahh I'm just messing with ya. Har har har. I wish I could keep them...I like their toes. Hohoho.

Okay...I think there's more than that, but I can't remember which species. Ohh, I can say that I'm an animal lover, but sometimes, they're just too...much to handle. Hahahaha.

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hamster virtual pon jadi laa