Saturday, July 11, 2009

Random 10

10 random things.

1. Wow. I'm going to school tomolo after 2 weeks.

2. I've always misspelled Azyyati with Azzyati. Mujo x ASSyati.

3. I've reposition my bed. Looks much better this way. I wish I could throw the extra almari out. Why do I need a 2nd almari since no one is using it now?

4. Hmmm. The memory card stick in the camera seem to corrupt. Maybe it broke? How the hell can a memory card stick broke? It's small and hard.

5. Can I just throw this damn computer out the window? It's slow as hell. There's no virus/spyware/registry corrupted in it. It's just OLD. It's already like, what, 10-12 years? I can't even open Microsoft Office right now for God's sake. I can't even play games in it. I've bought a 1 gig RAM and guess what? Nothing changed. SLOW SLOW SLOW. This damn computer is only useful for downloading torrents and internet. But not useful when it comes to testing your patience.

6. Nok McD.

7. Nok cuci kipas siling, tapi x sapa. Nok wat gano.

8. Bakpo lubang siling dalam jamban masih terbuka?

9. Bakpo komik Shin Chan lamo doh x tubik hok baru? Duk ule bendo tulo jah sokmo.

10. I need to slim down. Jujur ku cakap.

1 comment:

Capik said...

BUkey mung slim doh key..hahahaha

hamster virtual pon jadi laa